3 Resume Rules To Follow in 2020

Your resume must be scannable within five to six seconds because most hiring managers don’t give it more time than this. If your resume fails to convince them in this small time, they skip it to other resumes.

Now, the question is, how can you influence a hiring manager immediately with your resume? Fear not. You have opened the right blog post. In this blog post, we have compiled three resume rules to follow in 2020.

Delete Objective Section

Most people are accustomed to writing their career objectives. You should skip this information from your resume if you are an experienced professional and have a lot to say about your skills and experience. Keeping this section will only occupy unnecessary space on your resume. If you are a college pass out and going to start your career, then you should include objective because you don’t have much to add to your resume.

Use Active Voice

Passive structures make your resume long and difficult to read. They distract hiring managers. So, hiring managers don’t waste their time on reading and understanding your resume and skip it because they have many other resumes to see. Therefore, you should always use active voice structures in your resume and try to say everything in the least possible words. Moreover, you should try to replace weak words with impactful words like accomplished and achieved.

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Customize Your Resume for Every Job You Apply

Instead of sending the same resume to every employer, you should customize your resume every time based on their job descriptions. You should first determine what skills and experience you possess to perform their jobs and then mention them properly on the resume. At the same time, you should remove other experiences and skills from the resume because every employer is interested in just one fact if you are competent enough to meet their expectations.  It will make your relevant skills and experiences more noticeable.

You should not email your resume to a hiring manager immediately after you are done with it. Instead, you should perform several rounds of proofreading to ensure your resume is free of errors and possesses the appeal to influence the employer. It will be great to show your resume to your trusted friends to review it. They can also help you make good changes to it.

